Welcome to the MacNeill Blog.

In an effort to strengthen the partnership between school and home, I have created this Blog (web log/journal) that will highlight many MacNeill events and the accomplishments of those in our school community. There are so many things that happen on a daily basis at MacNeill and I hope this blog will give you a greater understanding of your child's school experience. I will also be posting my personal perspective on various educational issues in an effort to stimulate thought, promote reflection and create meaningful discussions. The blog will be updated frequently. Parents, Teachers and Students are encouraged to visit the blog on a regular basis and to read, learn, comment and share in our journey throughout the year.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Terry Fox Run

Terry Fox, A Canadian hero, set out to change the world, one step at a time. Terry ran a marathon a day (26.2 miles) for 143 days in his Marathon of Hope. He raised money and awareness for cancer research. He was not able to complete his journey, but his example and the legacy he left has inspired us to continue the journey in his memory. Over $500 million dollars have been raised in his name.
All students and staff at MacNeill participated in the Terry Fox Run on September 29th, 2011. Students were encouraged to donate a toonie for Terry, and then walk, jog or run along a 3.2km route in his honour.

The Recreational Leadership 11/12 Class, under the guidance of Mr.Chatha, took the lead in planning, organizing, and marshalling the run. The route was well marked, the students were organized, and over 1000 students and staff participated in the event. We were fortunate that the weather was beautiful, and it was great to hear the students support and cheer for each other as they approached the finish line.

I visited the Recreational Leadership Class and asked the students to reflect on their experience of organizing the run. I also inquired about the ways in which Terry Fox has inspired them. Here are some of their responses:
  • "His unwavering determination and long-lasting perseverance encourages me to always strive for excellence in whatever I do..." J. Huang
  • "Terry Fox has inspired me on how an ordinary boy can make a huge difference" J. Dy
  • "Terry Fox has made me aspire to be someone who can change the way people see or think about the world" J. Wong
  • "Terry Fox showed me that no matter what holds you back, you can always push through and succeed" I. Foord
  • "He has inspired me to persevere in everthing I do; no matter the adversities you have to face, face it with confidence and a strong will." J. Rivera

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