BC Minsitry of Education has recently released its plan on how it believes education needs to change to keep up with the changing world.
"BC's Education Plan is based on a simple principle: every learner will realize their full potential and contribute to the well-being of our province." (BC's Education Plan website)
This plan to move the education system from good to great has five key elements (items below are linked to ministry website):
- Peronsalized Learning for every student
- Quality teaching and Learning
- Flexibility and choice
- High standards
- Learning empowered by technology
It acknowledges that BC currently has a strong education system and that there are great things that are being done in classrooms. This plan is designed to build on our currenty strengths in order to prepare students for the changing world.
There may be a mixed response to some of the ideas presented in the BC Education Plan Video, and there may be many more questions that arise about "how" some of these concepts will take shape, but regardless of how you feel, the ideas will surely promote some interesting conversations. The video is three minutes in length, and it worth finding the time to watch.
The Ministry of Education is seeking our thoughts and feedback and they are encouraging all stakeholder groups to join the conversation on the future of education in BC. They have created a series of questions that are posted online and anyone can respond with their comments to share ideas and solutions.
- What new competencies will students need to prepare them for graduation and the future?
- What type of information do parents need on their child's learning?
- What do you think is important for our education system in the fuiture?
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